Last Updated on December 30, 2014 by melissanreynolds
2014 has been an amazing year of truly terrifying highs and some dips.
On paper, it sounds like a magical year – in practice, with the fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, it’s been tough.
The sort of tough that pays off.
I married the love of my life, met the joy of my life (my baby), made huge strides in my lifelong journey of self discovery, progressed in my career (amazingly) and made some (mostly mental) breakthroughs with my health.
There were some spectacularly hard moments, but man have I been happy.
As I look forward to 2015 and make a list of hopes and dreams I have been reflecting on everything in my life. I have been seeing the silver linings and taking the time to appreciate them.
My hope for 2015 is that I continue to grow, love and strive to succeed.
My goals are:
*to learn something
*to keep experimenting with my health
*to enjoy my husband and baby
*to arrange my business/work so that I maintain my work/life balance and have enough energy to be the mama I want to be
Pretty simple!
I also hope to keep writing this blog, I hope it helps people. My little dream is to produce an ebook of tips and encouragements for mamas journeying with fibro/chronic fatigue/related illness.
Thank you for reading. Thank you to everyone who shared comments. It’s so nice to connect with others who are in the fight.
Melissa x