I’ve been living with chronic symptoms since I was a young teenager. For the past 10 plus years, I’ve been sharing my journey with you on this blog. Essentially I’ve been finding my own pace.

If you’ve been around since the early days you will have experienced my journey from a scared pregnant mama with chronic symptoms that the doctors didn’t know what to do to help me with, simply sharing my experience to counteract the lack of understanding I faced in daily life.
Across the years I have added a couple diagnoses, three more children, had a major operation and reduced the fibromyalgia and ME/CFS from moderate to mild.
I also learnt to stand up for myself. Built my self-esteem. Realised I am worthy, even with my limitations.
I’ve done my best to provide research and anecdotal evidence to help you find anything that can help you in your journey to better wellness.
On the way I fell in love with wellness. Specifically accessible wellness.
As I’ve put the steps in place to improve my health as much as possible, I’ve started to focus on what I call “healthy human habits”. I’ve been stuck in a dance of wanting to share as much as possible to help you, but needing to use terms that I feel keep me stuck.
Diagnoses and labels are helpful for finding a correct treatment plan. To ensure you know what you are dealing with.

But once you are in a place of having the best treatment plan possible, with current knowledge, in place. It’s best to focus on your wellbeing rather than simply not being sick.
I find myself wanting to go my own pace. If I were able to go the natural pace of my body, I would end each day with more left in the tank. And I noticed that not everyone pushes themselves so hard, health issues or not. There are people who take days to relax without their body saying they must.
I’d like to simply create a lifestyle that suits my current needs. However with four small children, an energizer bunny husband and my own demanding nature, it’s not an easy feat. But I will try.
So my blog and YouTube archives will always remain. But apart from my own personal experiments and tweaks, and pertinent research updates, I don’t have much new to share. The foundations are there. My books provide the best information I have to share with you, in a concise and easy to understand manner.
As I work on my next book, which was entitled Melissa vs Wellness, and will now be Finding My Own Pace, you may find my content shifting.
Finding My Own Pace: The Book
This book is about showing you everything that has made the most difference in my health journey. About highlighting the symptoms and conditions that are often present with fibromyalgia and ME/CFS, and in my case, went undiagnosed and untreated for many years. It’s everything I’ve learnt in one place.
I had wanted to publish it this year, but I have slowed myself down, because it won’t be complete until I can fully update my chiropractic journey and a few other things. In the meantime you can join the preorder crew and receive access to a heap of bonuses. Including my complete Sleep Kit and sneak peeks of chapters.

Once this book is complete, until we have any big research breakthroughs, there’s not much new to say on specific conditions. And so many of us, whatever words we may have listed on our medical file, need to learn to find our own pace. So it’s my hope that I can share a bit of how I do that, try to live within my energy means at any given time, and inspire you on your journey.
I also have some goals that I want to pursue – making a bigger impact by supporting research, completing a fiction novel that includes invisible illnesses and working on my professional career in the non-profit sector.
I hope that you will come on the journey with me as I move into this next chapter.