Best of Melissa vs Fibromyalgia 2024

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This has been one of the best years in memory for me. Mostly because my memory has been very spotty previously (lol). This post is all about the best of Melissa vs Fibromyalgia 2024. The top posts you visited this year.

the best of Melissa vs Fibromyalgia 2024

I wrote 46 posts total this year. Which feels like a lot! There was a lot to share in my journey and in the research.

Affiliate notice, please note that some of my links may be affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of these links, I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you.

I also released the second and third of the My Mama series, which I am super proud of. My Mama Has Chronic Pain and My Mama Has ME/CFS joins My Mama Has Fibromyalgia as a series of non fiction books to share our experience with our children.

the my mama series

Personally, I have improved even further thanks to my operation to remove the heavy, painful periods and the endometriosis last year. And finding chiropractic care. I’ve also been incorporating some gentle resistance based training and rebuilding my walking routine. Despite ups and downs with life and my hormones, I’m doing as well as I ever have. Which is not to say I am near normal, but I’m thankful nonetheless.

The Blog

This blog is a major piece of work for me. I fill it with research and my experience. My dream is for everyone to be able to compile their unique holistic management plan to be as well as possible with chronic illness.

Each year I go through the archives and see what were the most visited posts.

I was surprised. Not all of them were written this year. Because, unfortunately, not much changes in fibromyalgia and ME/CFS. At least not quickly.

The top post of Melissa vs Fibromyalgia 2024 was…

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Four Year Update

Which is surprising because I shared my seven year update this year. The four year update, however, does a good job at explaining what LDN is, how it works (as far as we know), some research, side effects and what it was doing for me (hint: changing my life). It’s well worth a read my friend.

Long Covid and Fibromyalgia

The second most visited post was Long Covid and Fibromyalgia. It’s been so interesting to see the conversation and research around long covid. Because long covid is essentially post viral fatigue. Of which I am a long hauler! I got sick in my last year of university from some unnamed bug that manifested like a bad cold that caused severe fatigue.

In this post I share what long covid is, what the connection between long covid and fibromyalgia is and some treatment ideas (based on research).

My Top Fibromyalgia Treatments 2024

top fibromyalgia treatments for 2024

This one is interesting to me because the top five have remained stable for a few years, there is a new addition. Chiropractic care! I share the top six (plus honorable mentions) things that help me the most.

Natural Pain Relief: Supplements for Fibromyalgia Energy

There is no magic answer to energy for people with fibromyalgia. However, there are some supplements that have some evidence behind them. Though, I’d suggest trying Yoga Nidra guided meditation before any supplements. And always check with your medical professionals before adding supplements to your regimen.

The Best Supplement for Fibromyalgia

Another older one that I updated this year, Recovery Factors is a supplement that made a big difference for me. I was part of the first study Dr Teitelbaum did on it. The results were incredible.

Chronic Illness Must Haves: Gadgets to Make Your Life Easier

I’m still in love with my stick vacuum. For the first time in my life I can vacuum my whole house! It’s so easy to clean the floor quickly. See all the gadgets I have or want in this post.

Heat Intolerance in Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS

Last summer I learnt why I can’t tolerate the heat. Heat intolerance. It was not fun as we happened to have the hottest summer on record. I struggled. I explained the symptoms and how to manage it.

heat intolerance and fibromyalgia

19 Ways to Make Working with Chronic Pain and Fatigue Easier

In this post I share some ideas to make work easier as well as some practical tools to support you as you work.

Can My Child Get Fibromyalgia if I Have it?

A question many of us have asked ourselves at one point. I share what the evidence currently suggests and how to stack the deck in our favour.

Brain Retraining for Chronic Pain and Fatigue

This is the first time I’ve delved into this idea. Let’s be absolutely clear – I don’t believe brain retraining is a magic bullet. I do believe that working with the nervous system is helpful. Read it all in this post.

So these are the top 10 visited posts this year!

My best selling (and favourite) symptom tracking journal

I have been tracking my symptoms for years – and it has helped me to finetune my treatment plans. It all started with a template that I copied manually in a blank journal. A few years ago I designed it as a worksheet. Now you can get it printed as an A5 journal like below. This is my favourite one and the one I am currently using. If you’d like to grab one for yourself or a friend, click here.

the best of Melissa vs Fibromyalgia 2024
the best of Melissa vs Fibromyalgia 2024

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