Last Updated on January 7, 2018 by melissanreynolds
As we well know, our experience of Fibromyalgia differs greatly. In order to shed some light on how other Fibro parents do it, I am starting a series called Fibro Mama Interviews: Following the Journey. Our first interview is with Brandi from Being Fibro Mom!
Please give a brief introduction to yourself
I’m Brandi, the writer and creator of Being Fibro Mom and My Fibro Journal. Being Fibro Mom was created in 2013 with the intent of helping fibromyalgia sufferers become fibromyalgia thrivers and advocating for parents enduring the hardships of fibromyalgia. I also host a live show each Friday called Fibro Live in which I discuss the latest fibromyalgia topics, news, research, and more.
In addition, I am a regular writer for the international magazine, The Fibromyalgia Magazine. My column is candid and as real as it gets when writing about the perils of fibromyalgia as both a fibromyalgia thriver and fibro parent.
As a fibromyalgia advocate, I am the Secretary and Fibro & Families program director for the non-profit organization, International Support Fibromyalgia Network.
What are your diagnoses?
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, generalized anxiety, and depression.
How many children do you have, what are their ages?
I have four children – 11, 10, 8, and 6.
Were you diagnosed when you were pregnant?
Sadly, no. I went through all four of my pregnancies not knowing I had fibromyalgia. The symptoms were worse during those times of pregnancy, but I attributed it to being pregnant. Had I known I was living with fibromyalgia, I could have taken steps to ease my pregnancies.
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to parents with chronic illness who are, or want to get pregnant?
Keep an open line of communication between yourself and physician, spouse, loved ones, and friends. Establish a solid support system and do not hesitate to say no to any tasks that will cause overexertion. And just as important, learn to ask for help.
And what is your favourite blog/book/social media about pregnancy, nursing or parenting with a chronic illness? (What resources would you recommend to support parents with chronic illness)
Shelley writes at Chronic Mom about living with fibromyalgia and lyme disease. Her sarcastic humor and straightforward ways with fibromyalgia are articles you don’t want to miss!
I would recommend joining a support group either online or in person. Talking to others that understand the struggle will be a better help than to those that have not experienced it. In 2016, I created a closed Facebook group, Fibro Parenting. The group is focused on any parent or guardian looking for support while parenting with fibromyalgia. Fibro parenting is a creative form of parenting, and is easier with the support and encouragement from fellow fibro parents.
For more information about pregnancy and Fibromyalgia:
Find my book Fibro Mama Pregnancy and Fibromyalgia AVAILABLE HERE
Sign up to receive my free micro-course: Arm Yourself with Knowledge coming soon to my free resource page.
Enroll in my eCourse Pregnancy with Fibromyalgia here.
Join the group Pregnancy and Fibromyalgia on Facebook, we chat about pregnancy, nursing and parenting with Fibromyalgia.
Some of my links are affiliate links, I receive compensation at no extra cost to you if you purchase using these links. I never promote anything I don’t 100% support myself.
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