Last Updated on July 6, 2017 by melissanreynolds
I knew something was up when I wanted vegetable soup for dessert one night. Sure enough, the next morning I tested for a big fat positive.
Baby number two was on it’s way.
I had had a low back burn for a week, this was my new, awful PMS symptom since back labour with Nu. In addition to this I was mildly nauseas and had a mad craving for meat (I’m not usually meat’s biggest fan).
Spearmint flavoured mints and ginger lozenges were really helpful for controlling the nausea in these weeks.
Continuing as I began, I had vegetable soup everyday and my regular fruit and vegetable smoothie in the morning.
Luckily, the week before I found out I had finished a work contract and had decided to give myself a rest, I was running on empty. So the following week was somewhat blissful with less neck pain.
The fatigue was something else. A constant sleepiness. Yet an inability to sleep for long periods of time (Fibromyalgia usual-ness for me) and daylight savings ruining my mornings (waking at 6, the old 7) was rough. I was in bed by 9 each night to read and then sleep early.
Meditation was delicious, 30 minutes (when I could get a break from the toddler) was really nice for the pain and fatigue.
I did this one a lot – Float Away Stress: Relaxation for Pregnancy and Childbirth
Our walks stayed at 20-30 minutes and that was quite enough.
With all the physical impacts I found it useful to stay focused on the miraculous aspects of pregnancy…the highlight of week five was that baby’s tiny heart begins to beat! I was very excited to hear it and see it!
I wrote these posts throughout my pregnancy to share what it was like to do pregnancy with Fibromyalgia. Find the rest of the pregnancy diaries in my Pregnancy Diaries and Resources page.
For more information about pregnancy and Fibromyalgia
Sign up to receive access to my free PDF reports: Tips for Managing Early Pregnancy Symptoms, Natural Pain Relief Options During Pregnancy and my free micro course Pregnancy and Fibromyalgia: Arm Yourself with Knowledge.

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