Last Updated on December 26, 2021 by melissanreynolds
Here I share how I managed fibromyalgia well in 2021, despite a new baby with reflux who didn’t sleep well and four kids under 8 in lockdown. I also share my plans for 2022, health-wise.
Fibromyalgia treatments are so tricky and it takes a whole of life protocol so it this post I share the best treatments I use in managing chronic pain and chronic fatigue.
How I Managed Fibromyalgia Well Video
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How I Managed Fibromyalgia Well Transcript
Last year I wrote a guide to managing fibromyalgia which also has a free download.
Basically I have been thinking through what I’ve done well in 2021 what I might change in 2022 in terms of just my fibromyalgia management strategy.
Probably not much actually. I haven’t got anything on the list to experiment with and there’s no way I’m changing anything about my core protocol.

So let’s talk about what my core protocol is and what it’s been like.
This year I had my fourth baby he has not really slept in seven months. He has reflux and he has basically slept in one to two hour blocks his whole life. In addition to this we’ve spent a lot of this year in lockdown with four children under eight years old which as you know is not that fun.
I’ve done my best and I’ve done pretty well and my body is held out very well I’m going on about three months without physiotherapy and I’m doing okay.
I’m pretty happy about it I’ve got my coping mechanisms in place and so going into next year again with uncertainty not sure what’s coming how often the kids will be home whether this baby is going to learn to sleep, I’m not really looking to try too much news um stuff not looking to add too much to my protocol so anything I wrote last year holds true this year in terms of the protocol.
I definitely want to get my hands on Doctor Teitelbaum’s new version of From Fatigue to Fantastic.
I really want to do but my key things that I do which you probably know about if you’ve been following me for any amount of time.
Low dose naltrexone, that is going nowhere it has changed my life and I’ve got links to videos and posts all about low dose naltrexone in case that’s something you want to research.
Recovery Factors, I tried a couple of experiments this year to see whether or not it works for me absolutely it does. It is absolutely worth it, not going off that so those are my two foundations.
Of course, I continue pacing so I have a certain amount of energy. I’m about 70 on the CFIDs rating scale I have my Yoga Nidra in the middle of the day but otherwise I’m doing pretty well on my work to rest ratio and my overall plan but I’ll leave more links about pacing for you.
Obviously yoga. I need to get back into yoga I need to be able to do more of it, the baby is bigger and my pelvis instability is starting to heal. So I’m starting to do more yoga and I want to do more of that again. I’ve already built up I can do about 40 minutes of walking now without post-exertion malaise which is very exciting and my steps count each day is sitting at 8-9 k as an average so some days we don’t get to leave the house because it’s raining so we can’t go for a walk so it’s lower and the days we get to go for a walk it’s about 10. So I’ve managed to build that up really carefully after a pretty inactive pregnancy with my pelvis issues and the yoga I’m doing more and more. I’ve never stopped in terms of my individual poses in my restorative and yoga Nidra but just the real strength building yoga I’m getting back into that.
How I Managed Fibromyalgia Well This Year Summary
And so that’s basically everything in my core protocol right now those are the things that’s all I take and that’s all I’m researching and that kind of thing obviously things change according to whatever your context in life but actually for me blogging having an online business and having my children works really well for me physically because the one thing I have to manage at all times no matter what is my neck and I manage that well by not sitting on the computer for too much time.
So I’m really excited I’ve got loads and loads of plans for melissa versus fibromyalgia dot com got a big blog series for bite-sized pieces for starting your journey and I’ve got heaps of videos planned and of course loads of yoga planned so stick around for that I’m very excited.
Tell me how did 2021 go for you in terms of your health goals and what is it looking like in 2022 and are you gonna try any of these things on my list and if you have something you need me to share with you teach you about write a blog post about put a video about let me know.
Now I do really want to take you step by step through how to make a flare management plan and a symptom management plan so that’s on the to-do list to get there eventually but if there’s anything else let me know and have a great day.