Tiny Mission Sleep, Chamomile

After declaring war on my sleeplessness, I have formulated a new series of Tiny Missions to attempt to get some sleep. To get 8-9 unbroken hours per night with as few restless/awake periods as possible. My first step was to take chamomile tea about an hour before bed.

Trigger Points and Fibromyalgia

Having been plagued by spots of extreme tightness on various parts of my body for years that numerous physical therapists have attempted to release and only ever achieved a small but fleeting degree of success, I am keenly interested in the study of trigger points.

I am reading The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief by Clair and Amber Davies.

I am loving it!

Experiments, Or How Do You Know?

A well designed research study tries to ensure results are attributable to the experiment and not something else.

But with fibro/CFS things change daily. There are a tapestry full of threads that make up my conditions and my context. I’m having a flare up, despite doing everything in my power to be well!

Mindfulness: The Mindfulness Solution to Pain Book and Ruminations

I recently read the book, The Mindfulness Solution to Pain: Step-By-Step Techniques for Chronic Pain Management (2009) by Jackie Gardner-Nix. Katarina from…