The incredibly simple (but not easy) way to find time as a super busy mama. AKA how to plan and do the things.
Do you have a thing you want to accomplish? But you’re so busy and more than a little tired. Maybe it’s work, kids, caregiving, personal health issues, or (probably) some combination.
Introducing the micro tasking method. The brilliance of taking 10, 15 or 30 minute snippets and achieving your goals. In this post I will share what micro tasking is and how to do it.
I’m a mama of four children under eight years old, have two blogs, an online yoga studio and a chronic illness. Here’s how I do it.
Is This the Right Time as a Super Busy Mama?
Establish if you should be doing the thing in the first place. Is now the time? Why do you want to do it? If you have a strong “why” it is easier to maintain motivation.
For example, I run a small business which includes this blog, my main blog and an online yoga studio. My “why” is that I want to share what I learn in my journey so that it helps other people reduce how much of their life they lose to their symptoms. I also want to create a sustainable part-time income from it so that I don’t have to give it up in order to help support my family.
Second Step to Find Time as a Super Busy Mama
If it is the time and you have a good why, it is time to have a brainstorming session. You need to create a solid plan with your objectives. If it is a hobby this will likely suffice. If it is a business idea, a business plan and other financial planning might be in order.
Create Your Micro Task List
Now is the time to create a list of micro tasks – things you can do in your pockets of time.
For example, I keep post ideas in my Google Keep. When I am sitting with a nursing or sleeping baby I will start, flesh out or edit posts.
If, by some miracle, all four kids are occupied, I will pop on the computer and transfer the post to my blog. I have a system for how I create graphics, set up my posts and schedule. I am always interrupted, so I tend to have about four drafts sitting in my dashboard ready to complete at any one time.
That is really all there is to it.
1. Plan well
2. Micro tasking
3. Do it (no procrastinating or social media scrolling when you’re on mission)
Number three tends to be where most people fall off the wagon. Go back to the first step – check on your why. Is it important to you? Does it need to be done now? Then get going!
I created My Paced Planning Journal (affiliate) to help me plan my day using the principles of micro tasking and pacing. Each week I write up my task list, and each day I add some of them to my daily To Do list. In the day plan I write up the non-negotiables (which includes my rest!) and then add in the tasks. This helps me know what I can do when I have a moment.
Affiliate notice: Please note that the above link is an affiliate link, if you make a purchase using that link, I make a small commission at no extra cost to you.
Come on over and let me know on Instagram if you are using the principles of micro tasking and if you grab your own Paced Planning Journal – tag me in your stories so I can say hi!