The New Year So Far

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Last Updated on January 5, 2015 by melissanreynolds

I rang in the New Year quite tired and a little unwell, but I made it until midnight!

But then I spent the rest of the night vomiting and the rest of the next day sleeping. I caught a bug that my baby has subsequently caught.
The silver lining of bringing in the first two days of the New Year in bed with seriously depleted energy levels (on the first evening, having a shower took all of the energy I had) is that I had some time, while I wasn’t sleeping but wished I was, to think a little.
I mulled over how I had overdone it in the last months, especially as my baby still wakes multiple times in the night. How I had asked for help with the night times, somewhat ineffectually the day before I came sick, and to the wrong person. My husband is working so many hours in a pretty physical job that he can’t help right now. So I am enlisting the help of my mum. In two weeks she is going to take my boy overnight so that my husband and I can go out to a friend’s wedding and then have a whole night of sleep to ourselves!
This has led to a mini resolution:  I am going to ask a grandparent to take him for one night, once a month this year.
I’m pretty excited about our night off! I almost wish I didn’t have to spend the day travelling and going to a wedding before I get this magical night off!

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