Week 37

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Last Updated on April 15, 2014 by melissanreynolds

One of the struggles of Fibromyalgia that tends to stick with me, are the times when my brain is willing but my body is not. Patience is not easy to cultivate. Especially when you know that the fog caused by the pain and fatigue can be waiting to take you out next.

I have so much I want to achieve and so little means!

As I near the end of my pregnancy, I have had to reduce my activities and increase my resting. Not so much by choice, my back has made it near impossible to keep going.

For now we are in a waiting game. I have been plagued by period-like pains in my lower back and have had some spotting in the past couple of days. I don’t feel like doing anything, but resting is frustrating.

I have finished washing the tiny baby clothes for him to wear immediately, made his bed and bought the last of the essential items.


Now baby is welcome any time!

This is a pregnancy diary from my first pregnancy in 2013/14. For my most recent pregnancy diaries and my pregnancy resources see here.

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