What’s Happening in 2022? Results of the Melissa vs Fibromyalgia 2021 Survey

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Last Updated on December 23, 2021 by melissanreynolds

A little while ago I asked for your feedback to help me make some important decisions on how Melissa vs Fibromyalgia and all it entails will look in 2022.

Thank you to those who responded! I value the time and energy that you took to respond.

What's Happening in 2022? Results of the Melissa vs Fibromyalgia 2021 Survey

As you may know, I am a mama to four children under eight years old. Everything that this blog, the YouTube channel, the Yoga Studio, the Facebook groups and all the rest involves takes a substantial amount of my time and energy. When you combine it all together with everything else going on in life, plus my own health journey, it is a lot.


So, with this feedback, I am honing in on what it is you value most and need and letting go of the rest.

If you aren’t curious about the statistics, scroll to the bottom for the what next summary.

First, some fun statistics that we collected:


95.8% of respondents have fibromyalgia.

20.8% have myofacial pain syndrome

20.8% have unspecified chronic pain

8.3% have ME/CFS

Age Group

Melissa vs Fibromyalgia 2021 survey age group

Working (inside or outside the home) hours

16.7% of respondents work full-time

8.3% work more than full-time hours

16.7% work part-time

37.5% work “other” – so likely not working, or a number of hours they didn’t feel was encompassed by either full-time, part-time or more than full-time options.

Working is actually a massive issue and very hard to do with chronic pain and fatigue. The Working with Chronic Pain and Fatigue program is a specially designed program to help make work that little bit easier. It is brand new and taking enrollment now for a 1st November 2021 start. I’d love to have you join.

How long have respondents been following my work

Melissa vs Fibromyalgia 2021 survey how long have you been following

37.5% of you have been following me for more than a year – I am so happy to hear this! (Hopefully this means I provide what you need).

What's Happening in 2022? Results of the Melissa vs Fibromyalgia 2021 Survey

What area is their priority?

Melissa vs Fibromyalgia 2021 survey what is your current priority

Do you have any feedback about my resources?

“Very Helpful! And lots of them. I’ve worked out which ones suit me and basically just use those. V helpful when I first got the diagnosis as to how to manage Fibro”

“I enjoy reading the material.”

“I have yet to access more of what you offer to give you any real feedback”

“I’ve learned ideas of things to try as far as pacing myself and stretching”

“Very helpful”

“Very detailed”

“I find your work to be inspirational, and it helps me feel less alone. The only other people I have in my life who manage chronic pain are in their later years. I just turned 32 and have been managing chronic pain for over a decade, so it can feel alienating to be so young with the sort of conditions I have and my limitations.”

What offerings are you most interested in?

57.1% said online yoga studio

57.1% also said individual yoga series (it was a multi-option question)

28.6% said members’ only group

35.7% chose the template/worksheet bundle

14.3% elected members’ only podcast

28.6% said all of the above

Further content ideas

I also took suggestions for future content ideas and have added these to my list to research and write about for 2022.

Melissa vs Fibromyalgia 2022?

96% of my work is free (guestimate, based on how many hours I spend on freely available content vs paid content).

This blog does not change. It is where over 300 articles to help you live as well as possible with chronic pain and fatigue are housed and that won’t change. They are freely available and here to stay. The YouTube channel has 100+ videos of trainings and yoga classes designed especially for people with chronic pain and fatigue.

If you want to support this work you can: Like, share, comment, subscribe and/or use the donate button. You can also purchase the cliff notes version of the entire blog along with the worksheets to help you start your own journey here.

The Yoga for the Chronic Life virtual yoga studio and individual series are here to stay.

Grab 20% off for your lifetime as a member when you purchase the annual pass (until November 15th 2021 ONLY). That is a whopping $60 off every year you remain a member (and your price remains the same no matter the price increases for new members). Imagine what a year of unlimited, gentle, accessible yoga could do for you?

The studio is unlimited yoga specifically designed for chronic pain and fatigue so that you can gently move, rest well and reduce the impact of your symptoms. Plus community and support. I have designed it in such a way that you can dive in and choose what you like (like an all-you-can-eat buffet but much healthier!) or so that you can gently dip your toes in a brain-fog friendly way (like a fancy restaurant where the different courses come out at well designed intervals).

I will be putting all of my focus here. So the private podcast of audio trainings and the members’ only group will be subsumed into this. It was my dream to create an offering where, for a small fee, you get access to everything. So my focus can be on helping those in the studio as much as possible without having to keep managing loads of differing programs.

The Melissa vs Fibromyalgia Members’ Only program (group coaching/fibromyalgia management course) will be retired. Coaching/private yoga/pick your brain sessions will only be available to those are members of the studio.

I am so excited for Melissa vs Fibromyalgia 2022. But also for what is coming for the rest of the year. There are videos and blog posts coming to help you with what you need. And I am working on creating more, as I can, around these children.

Thank you for being here. Thank you for responding to the survey, reading these posts, for liking, subscribing and doing this journey with me.

One thought on “What’s Happening in 2022? Results of the Melissa vs Fibromyalgia 2021 Survey

  1. Julie Hanel says:

    Bravo to you for your efforts to help many others manage their health challenges. I’ve been at this multiple system stuff for 45+ years. Still learning to pace.
    Retirement living is necessary for my husband Bob and I to keep on keeping on. Don’t like it, but here we are. He has been my caregiver for years.
    Yoga is a great focus for all whether ailing or not. Do you involve your kiddies in this? Haven’t tuned in to your offering yet. Will soonest.
    Keep up with your important work.

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