Last Updated on June 14, 2022 by melissanreynolds
You don’t need another course, you need to enact what you already know.
This is advice to myself for 2022, but perhaps you need it too.

When a new year comes around the “improve yourself now” messages come out. I want to counteract this.
I have been writing in my subject area for around eight years. And living it for longer.
I am qualified enough for my mission. And so are you.
Sure, another course might quieten the imposter syndrome for a minute. But it will also subtract money, time and energy for your income producing work.
There is a place for education, I love learning. But all the knowledge means nothing if you don’t use it.
I say this all the time in my books, courses, videos and blogs. My work is valuable IF my audience uses it.
The most valuable courses I’ve taken have been low cost or free and I’ve immediately followed up the lesson by using it in my work. So if you do choose to do a course, read a book, watch a video — follow it up with action.
But don’t use it to procrastinate from the real work of driving your mission forward.
As a mama of four small children with an online business, part-time job, a chronic illness and all of the details of life, I must prioritise.
This year the priority is action (also rest, but that is a different story). If you need some rest too, I have a toolkit that I’d love to gift you for free. If you want ONE thing to improve your productivity without making you more tired, this is it. Rest for you.

What will you do with this fresh year? What practical steps can you take today?