Tools to Fight Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue

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Here I provide some tools I love and use to fight fibromyalgia, chronic pain and chronic fatigue – this is designed to give you a short cut or a place to start when considering what to look into.

Whether you are newly diagnosed or a seasoned fibro fighter, it can be confusing to decide what to try, there is a lot you can try. On this page, I offer you some options that you might like to start with.

Let me know if you have tried any, what your favourites are and if you would add anything to this page!

Also remember this entire blog is a resource library available to you. With over 300 blog posts with more scheduled every single week.

Please note that some of these links are affiliate links and I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Find my affiliate policy here. I recommend products I like and use.

Guides for You

introduction to fibromyalgia ebook
This is a FREE mini eBook with your complete introduction to Fibromyalgia

From Fatigued to Fantastic by Dr Teitelbaum (2020)

This was one of the first books I read about fibromyalgia and I highly recommend it, Dr Teitelbaum works holistically and has a sound protocol. If you read only two books ever about fibromyalgia, I would recommend this and the below one.

The FibroManual by Dr Ginevra Liptan (2016)

This book’s protocol is similar to Dr Teitelbaum- as all good protocols are (we need to hit a few key things like sleep, central nervous system overdrive and more), but provides a different perspective. There’s a very good stretching routine included as well as a section to photocopy and take to your doctor.

For my reviews of these books and the other three see this post. If you only read two books about fibromyalgia, the two above would it be it, if you want to read five see this post.

Click to read my post
My favourite five books about fibromyalgia post
Melissa vs Fibromyalgia eBook and worksheet bundle

The Fibromyalgia Food Formula by Dr Ginevra Liptan (2018)

The more I learn about nutrition, the more I see it is vital. Dr Liptan provides an easy to implement guide for optimal eating with fibromyalgia.

Pregnancy and Fibromyalgia eBook and worksheet bundle

The Wahls Protocol by Terry Wahls

This protocol is based upon heavy vegetable intake, something I am fully behind.

Products I Love – things I use regularly

Trigger point cane massager –  for tackling those trigger points and saving your fingers. I need to work on my trigger points every single day, but my fingers get too sore to hold it long enough or hard enough, so this helps. Plus it can reach my mid back.

Heating pad – my number one tool that I use multiple times a day, every day. Apparently clay is better than wheat packs! This one is thin and mold-able so it is most comfortable when lying down.

Foam roller – another one to tackle trigger points and relax the fascia. You will learn about fascia in Dr Liptan’s The FibroManual, but it is a big part of our pain puzzle.

Free Yoga for Chronic Pain and Fatigue series!

Natural Options I Love

These are the ones I use every day (or close to, click into the post to see more for other uses).

Peppermint Essential Oil – good for headache, nausea and pain.
Lavender Essential Oil – pain relief, general house cleaning and relaxation
Frankincense Essential oil – said to be good for pain relief and to amplify the other oils
Copaiba essential oil – said to be good for pain relief
Magnesium oil – people with fibromyalgia are generally recommended to take magnesium but in pregnancy this is especially helpful for leg cramps – during my second pregnancy I never had one of those wake-you-from-sleep, excruciating cramps.
MSM supplement– for muscle, tendon, joint and ligament pain. Soil in New Zealand is said to be deficient which could explain why it helps me.
Curamin supplement – for pain relief with curcumin, white willow bark and more. It is said to be a more powerful antiinflammatory than ibuprofen without the stomach ulcer risk. I wrote a review on Curamin, find that here.

Spoonie Gifts Recommendations aka what would be on my wish list to help you with yours 

Give the Gift of Amazon Prime – for those of us who can’t pop to the shop every time we need something.

Sunbeam Microplush Heated Electric Throw Blanket an electronic heat therapy tool. Better than getting up to use the microwave.

This set of six  Essential Oils Starter Kit it is a good starter set if you have none or few.

Kindle Unlimited Membership Plans (I’m a big reader – huge – so unlimited is the dream)

These are the top four, but you can see the rest in this blog post.

Printables I Created and Use

I have designed many printables in my own journey from daily logs to experiment trackers, some might be useful to you.

My ultimate Fibromyalgia planner

Blogs/Podcasts I Love

Being Fibro Mom

Fed Up With Fatigue 

Spoonie Living

Chronic Mom

Butterfly Chats

Fibro Files

National Fibromyalgia Association (US)

My Books

I have written two books, one workbook and a symptom tracker.

Melissa vs Fibromyalgia: My Journey Fighting Chronic Pain, Fatigue and Insomnia

Pregnancy and Fibromyalgia (2021)

The Fibromyalgia Framework

The Annual Symptom Tracker Journal

Courses for Managing Fibromyalgia and the Symptoms

Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia website has a multitude of free and paid self-study resources, including this one on pacing. It takes pacing much further than I can in my resources.

Yoga for Chronic Pain and Fatigue Five Minutes a Day for Five Days Free Challenge. Join us here for this special challenge.

Working with Chronic Pain and Fatigue Series

yoga nidra for fibromyalgia
My BEST tool for managing insomnia, pain and fatigue
FREE Mindfulness for the Daily Life Five Day Challenge