Yoga for Fibromyalgia

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I don’t do 90 minute classes and I don’t pretzel.

Yoga is more accessible than many of us think.

Yet the more I tried “beginner” classes or classes for “when you’re sore”, the more frustrated I became. When you are managing chronic pain and fatigue you need certain modifications, but you aren’t a beginner. I thought that perhaps just modifying for myself was the most I could hope for.

for the first time i feel like i can do yoga


Then I found online yoga teacher training – a much more accessible way to train (than nine hour days, multiple days in a row!). The Online Yoga School’s head teacher, Steph, is a very experienced and enlightened individual. I knew for sure she got my vision after a few emails. Training to become a teacher has lit my heart on fire.


I signed up to become a teacher so that I can share these tools with you. From simple poses, to sequences for bedtime, to meditation – the options are nearly endless. So come along and join us! No pretezelling and no 90 minute classes needed.


yoga for chronic pain and fatigue challenge
Join us for the FREE five minutes a day for five days yoga for chronic pain and fatigue challenge


Join us for this free challenge, to see how you can “do yoga” in just five minutes a day. You will learn five poses that can become daily tools. 

If you would like to try four classes, types of yoga that can help us, in 10 minutes a day then sign up for our 10 minutes a day yoga for fibromyalgia self-care challenge.

the 10 minute yoga for fibromyalgia challenge


“I like being able to go at my own pace. Each video is very well explained so I am able to follow easily. I especially like that you included bedtime yoga.” – Shelly

The complexity in yoga for chronic pain and fatigue

When we have extra challenges to think through, we need to be extra mindful. 

There is some complexity involved in practicing yoga when you have chronic issues. This is why it can be helpful to see a teacher privately – either for some initial guidance or ongoing personalised work. 

There are several types of yoga, many asana (poses) to choose from and we need to choose sequences that make sense for our current context. The other bonus when your work with a private yoga teacher, is that you can create a homework plan so that you can continue your work between sessions, equipping you further.

As an example of the complexity – I have severe, recurring trigger points in my neck and shoulders. Holding poses that activate these muscles for up to five minutes (yin yoga) is not a good idea for me. I have a heat intolerance so hot yoga isn’t for me. The fibromyalgia and poor tense fascia responds well when given a chance to gently release.  So I gravitate toward slow flow and gentle yoga.