It’s my mission to share my hard earned knowledge so that you don’t lose as long as I did to pain and fatigue.
The links recommended in the book are at the bottom of the page.
Affiliate notice: Please note that some of my links are affiliate links, if you make a purchase I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you.

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I’m Melissa, mama of four small boys and wife of one hubby. In addition to this I have fought chronic pain for nearly two decades, chronic fatigue for over ten years and insomnia for somewhere in between.
For most of my twenties I was struggling to live “normally” while fighting severe pain and fatigue. I didn’t have the brain space to research treatments to try. I didn’t know that approximately 3-6% of the world’s population were also fighting Fibromyalgia. No one around me understood. After being told at 17 years old by a specialist that they didn’t really believe my symptoms because they changed, I didn’t have the confidence to pursue help.
After daydreaming for a long time about this vague notion that slightly reduced work hours might give me the space to reduce the pain and fatigue, I moved to a warmer city with my parents, took on a job that was 27.5 hours and cut the two hour bus commute each day.
I was right. That was the beginning of my journey to a better story.
In seven years I went from miserable and barely coping with life to thriving – using a combination of research and personal trial and error, I have managed to bring my pain and fatigue levels down and minimise the effects of the debilitating brain fog by using everything I have written about on my blog.
This is a very special Melissa vs Fibromyalgia eBook and bundle set
A PDF copy of Melissa vs Fibromyalgia
PLUS the free You vs Fibromyalgia micro course
AND the special worksheet kit to help you take my lessons and apply them yourself.
My Sleep Diary
Daily Symptom Log
Pacing Worksheet
Pain Management Plan

For just $19.99
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About the Book:
Are you struggling with Fibromyalgia/chronic pain/chronic fatigue and insomnia? Melissa shares the ways she fights these symptoms and her journey from miserable to thriving despite Fibromyalgia.
Melissa Reynolds has fought Fibromyalgia since she was 14 years old. Only, she didn’t receive a name for her invisible opponent until she was in her 20s. Unfortunately, the name of the illness did not come with help.
However, she took matters into her own hands and in seven years, she went from miserable and barely coping with life to thriving.
Using a combination of research and personal trial and error, she has managed to bring her pain and fatigue levels down and minimise the effects of the debilitating brain fog by using everything she has written about on her blog.
With a passion for research, health and wellness, Melissa combines her findings (both research and anecdotal evidence) with personal experience and hopes that sharing this knowledge will make even one life a bit easier.
Praise for Melissa vs Fibromyalgia: My Journey Fighting Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue and Insomnia
“I wish this book had been around when I first got diagnosed.” Deb, a Fibro Fighter
“This book is a very interesting read. It is packed full of information that is easy to understand and apply. The book reads quickly and doesn’t weigh you down with heavy text. Melissa is a brilliant writer and I enjoy her work. I recommend her book if you have fibromyalgia or know someone who does.” – Jessie
“Another fine book by Melissa Reynolds. I like that every chapter is stand alone. You can start anywhere and go anywhere. You can read from back to front if you want.” – Danny van Leeuwen, Opa, RN, MPH, CPHQ,
What the Book Includes:
- My story (a long journey to diagnosis)
- What is Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myofascial Pain Syndrome?
- 2018 Mindset Shift
- What it’s Really Like to Live with Chronic Pain and Fatigue
- First Steps: The Order I Would Tackle Things In
- What I do: Sleep
- What I do: Pain Relief
- What I do: Pacing and Boundaries
- What I do: Meditation
- What I do: Yoga for Fibromyalgia
- What I do: Gentle Exercise
- What I do: Physiotherapy and Acupuncture
- What I do: Medicine – Low Dose Naltrexone
- What I do: Medicine – Amitriptyline
- What I do: Supplements
- What I do: Brain Fog
- What I do: Passion
- What I do: Food
- What I do: Support
- What I do: Morning Stiffness
- Ten Nice Minutes
- What I do: Work
- The Black Dog: Managing Emotions with Chronic Illness
- Parenthood with Chronic Illness
- Four Lessons I have Learnt While Living with Fibromyalgia
- How to Choose a Treatment Option
- Whole of Life Change: How it Looks Now
I need this now!
The printables include
- Pain Management Options
- My General Pain Relief Plan
- My Targeted Symptom Plan
- My Flare Plan
- My Flare To Do List
- My Flare Must Have List
- Things I’d Like to Try
- Things I have Tried
- Evaluating a Treatment Option
- My Support List
- My Pacing Worksheets
- My Sleep Diary
- My Sleep Hygiene Plans
- My Daily Symptom Logs
- My Movement Plan
- My Yoga Tools
- Notes to help you use these
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Links Mentioned in the Book
The free printables that come with the book
The Ultimate Wellness Planning Kit – the ultimate collection of worksheets to help you in your journey
Pregnancy and Fibromyalgia book
Yoga Nidra for the Chronic Life program
Yoga for the Chronic Life FREE yoga series