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Last Updated on May 20, 2015 by melissanreynolds

About seven years after my GP lazily
agreed that my symptoms are due to fibromyalgia – and sent me on my way with no extra help or information – I was finally referred to a rheumatologist.

I nervously made my way to the hospital, had my weight checked and waited for my appointment. I was hoping for a proper diagnosis (fibromyalgia or ME/CFS or both or something else) and some help.

The first 20 minutes were spent with me recounting the process of my symptoms, starting at 14 with lower arm pains, ending with my current moderate fatigue and all over pain. I cried. She agreed to give me a tissue if I promised not to stop crying.

She then explained that she believed that the mind and body are one. That emotional baggage can cause these symptoms.

Essentially, I left the appointment feeling that she thought psychotherapy would magically heal my pain, fatigue, digestive problems and candida problem.

She recommended two books to read:
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kulk
Meaning-full Disease by Brian Bloom

Being the book nerd I am, I will read these. And I’m very open to a mind/body connection. Perhaps my symptoms were brought on by prolonged stress and then my body became ill from that, then I need to treat body and mind.

But I had really hoped for more from the rheumatologist. I wanted a definitive diagnosis.

As I come off my disappointment low, I have noticed a few good things. I know I don’t have arthritis. I have a good, full breath, so now I have a response for physios who try to palm it off to breathing. And, I’m doing well as my own case manager.

I’m not getting any external help anytime soon. So I’d better get on.

Keep well.

0 thoughts on “Rheumatologist

  1. So have you read the books? I’m curious how they were and if you found anything of use in them. One book I would suggest on the dietary connection is “It Starts with Food”. It really helps explain the science behind why some foods negatively affect us.

    1. I have the “It starts with food” book now, but am still waiting for the other two books at the library, there’s quite a reserve list!

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