Last Updated on June 29, 2022 by melissanreynolds
Movement, or gentle exercise, is an often recommended intervention for Fibromyalgia. If you’ve followed my writing for any amount of time you might have picked up on my love of yoga.
A lot of yoga is off the table while I can’t move my legs wider than hip width apart. Most exercise is off the table due to the level of pain. Why can’t I move my legs wider than hip width and why are my pain levels so high?
Symphysis Pubis Disorder
Symphysis Pubis Disorder, or pelvic girdle pain, is a condition where the pelvis relaxes too far causing pain ranging from mild to severe. There’s a lot more detail in this article.
This article goes into good detail about symptoms, how you can help yourself and even how it may affect labour.
During my second pregnancy I endured severe pain in the third trimester which went undiagnosed until a couple of days postpartum. It usually clears up by 12 weeks postpartum, but it took me nine months for the pain to reduce. It can take up to two years.
For this pregnancy, when the pain began at week 10, I knew what to do:
- Kept my legs hip width apart with movement
- Rested (paced)
- Applied my heat pack
- Rub my essential oil pain cream (this is something you need to research- see my post on essential oils here)
- Did pelvic tilts
- Used the pelvic support band when needed
- Saw my physio who gave me an isometric strengthening move (a squat with legs at hip width that focuses on engaging belly, glutes, legs and pelvic floor) to do multiple times a day
- Asked my midwife for referral to the hospital for specialist input
For my Pregnancy with Fibromyalgia Diaries 2018 see my YouTube channel. I discuss the SPD and more.
Here’s my video on how I’m moving despite the SPD:
More pregnancy posts:
Early Pregnancy Symptoms and Fibromyalgia (2021 Edition)
Navigating Pain Relief in Pregnancy with Fibromyalgia
Fibro Parents Survey Results & Big News about Pregnancy and Fibromyalgia Book
Meanwhile, here are the stretches I’ve been managing:
Please do Google these for proper form and if you have never done yoga before, ask a practitioner to teach you the right way to do the poses.
- Pelvic tilts/cat and cow pose
- Puppy pose
- Child’s pose
- Mountain pose
- Forward bend
- Neck stretches
- Shoulder stretches
- Down dog
I haven’t done much other exercise as the incidental walking with work and the children is my maximum capacity physically for now.
Hopefully something here helps you but please do clear everything with a physical therapist as you need to be sure you’re moving correctly so as to not cause extra pain or damage.
Don’t forget to come along and join the Pregnancy and Fibromyalgia Facebook group where we chat trying to conceive, pregnancy, nursing etc.
Thanks for your practical post. I’ll never be pregnant, I don’t have fibromyalgia, but you write so well about the grand experiment of maintaining best health in challenging circumstances. Thank you