Easy Activities for Your Kids When You’re in a Fibromyalgia Flare

I am a big advocate for creating plans for managing. Planning reduces suffering. It takes the power back into our…

Coping in Pregnancy with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain and Fatigue

Google “coping in pregnancy with chronic pain” or “pregnancy with fibromyalgia” and you get a lot more hits than I…

How I’m Moving While Pregnant with Fibromyalgia Despite Symphysis Pubis Disorder

Movement, or gentle exercise, is an often recommended intervention for Fibromyalgia. If you’ve followed my writing for any amount of…

Why I’ve Gone as Natural as Possible Fighting Fibromyalgia while Pregnant

Let’s start this conversation off right, some medicines definitely necessary, I’m not anti medicine, I’m just pro natural options first,…