The Ultimate Chronic Illness Gift Guide of 2023

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Last Updated on November 7, 2023 by melissanreynolds

The holidays can be a difficult time for people with chronic illness. We can be exhausted from a long year. The to do lists just get longer. And then we have to purchase gifts for other people.


christmas gift guide

My best tips for you are to:

  • Write it down – create a clear list of your to dos
  • Pace it out – do it slowly over a period of time
  • Get it done early – and online if possible

One thing I’ve done that is helpful is to collate links to thinks I’d like in a document so that I can add them to digital Wishlist for separate secret Santas. I end up with about three every year of varying price levels!

We also have about 15 little children in the extended family to buy for, so I have their gifts on my wishlist on a local shop. When they have a sale, I will purchase them all at once!

Ok, without further ado, here are 17 ideas to get you started on your Christmas gift planning. Enjoy!

Here are some ideas for you to give to others or put on your own Wishlist

Affiliate notice: Please note that some of my links are affiliate links, if you make a purchase, I may make a commission at no extra cost to you.

My Gratitude Journal

I’m in love with this journal. It’s taken me years to perfect the design. It’s A5 prettiness to support your simple gratitude practice.

Get On Top Of Your Pain and Fatigue

This is a deluxe symptom tracking journal packed with Pain Management Plans, Flare Plans and Quarterly Summaries.

journals for chronic illness thrivers

Colouring Book

There are so many options available. But here’s a couple to get you started.

Colouring Pencils

You don’t need anything fancy to get started colouring. I love these ones, by Faber Castell. But you can get simpler or fancier as you like.

My Art Journal

This journal is designed for you to move freely between whatever journaling practice calls to you – drawing, mandala art, writing, affirmations, gratitude. I love the cover!

Skechers Memory Foam Shoes

These are the shoes I swear by. I wear almost only these, occasionally I wear gumboots in the backyard and nice shoes for events. But otherwise, it’s Skechers. Several years ago I switched from cute ballet flats to Skechers and now my lower leg trigger points are so quiet! Less pain is a big win.

christmas gift guide


I’ve shared how pivotal my Fitbit has been in my health journey. You can grab your own or give one to a friend. I currently have a Fitbit Versa 3. But there are other brands of fitness trackers. I just see no need to change when I’ve loved Fitbit for several years.

Cyclamen or other potted plant

I love potted plants. Somehow I have a knack for growing them up, even bringing them back from the brink of death. My favourite is cyclamen. A friend recently gave me a new cyclamen so that I didn’t have to deal with the decay of the bundle within days as you usually do. Such a nice idea. You can get these from your local garden store.

My Foggy Brain To Dos

This gorgeous, A5, pink to do list is just perfect for those of us with brain fog. I love it and my A4 version is well used.


Are there any books you’ve enjoyed this year, fiction or non fiction, that you could recommend for others? Or books on your To Read list that you could add to your own secret santa lists?

Fibromyalgia Won’t Win

This is my most recent book. It outlines my journey from moderate to mild fibromyalgia. It essentially takes many blog posts from this blog, refines and edits them into a coherent whole for you. With loads of additional content, of course.

My Journaling Practice

Use this beautifully covered journal with alternating lightly lined and blank pages for a journaling practice all your own. Don’t be constrained, use words, imagery and whatever calls your fancy. There’s actually two cover options, the one linked in the title above and the one in the picture below.

The FibroManual

This is the top book I recommend about fibromyalgia. Dr Ginevra has fibromyalgia and is a doctor. She is on the case, following current research and practice trying to find answers for us.

My Daily Health Symptom Log

Use this A5, pretty, simply daily symptom log to track your patterns and ensure you know what works and what makes things worse.

my daily health log

Beautiful scarf

Do you get a cold neck most of the year (except the heat of summer) too? I am almost always wearing a scarf. So it may be a nice gift! This one is a light summery version.

My Mindful Notes: Mindfulness Journal

The journal I’m currently using. A lined, A4 journal for your journaling practice. We all know that journaling is a beneficial practice and a simple journal can be the gateway to the benefits.

My Mama Has Fibromyalgia

My first children’s book is fresh off the presses! My Mama Has Fibromyalgia is a simple explanation from a child’s point of view. Wonderful to read together with children aged 3-12. My children have loved reading my author’s copy through with me. It’s been so wonderful to get to share this experience with them.

So this is 17 gift ideas for yourself or others this Christmas season. I hope something here has helped. If you’re looking for items specifically to help with chronic illness to put on your gift list, check out this post.

Or this post with tools to help with myofascial pain and release.

christmas gift guide

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