6 Great Journals for Chronic Illness Thrivers

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I’m a sucker for a pretty journal. I’ve bought all sorts of journals throughout the years. And recently, I’ve taken to creating journals especially for us – people with chronic pain and fatigue.

journals for chronic illness thrivers

See here six very different journal ideas that might support your wellness practices. They will make great gifts for yourself or others. It’s a great time of year to consider stocking up for Christmas.

Affiliate notice: Please note that some of my links may be affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of these, I may make a small commission at no extra cost to you.

My Daily Health Log

This is one of my first ever symptom logs. It’s been available as a digital download in my Etsy store for years. And as a physical journal for more than a year. It is now in handy A5, 90 day version which makes it portable and easy to take to appointments.

Get On Top of Your Life Paced Planning & Symptom Tracking

This has been on my mind for a long time. It’s the combination of my Paced Planning Journal and My Daily Health Log. Use your daily health log to determine how you should plan your day. I believe in planning in a paced manner – using the concepts of pacing well. And this journal shows you how. I have a “large print” A4 option, but I prefer the A5 version for everyday use if you can manage it.

Woman holding book Get On Top of Your Life

My Brain Foggy To Dos

This is just the cutest little journal. If you need to keep on top of your to do list and want to have it in a cute little journal, this is for you. The simplest premise in an A5, pink journal. A wonderful gift for the busy, slightly forgetful person in your life!

My Gratitude Journal

We’ve talked about gratitude a lot on this blog. I move in and out of different practices, but I always seek to cultivate a spirit of gratitude. This gorgeous wee journal will support your practice. It’s A5, portable and gorgeous. Another perfect gift for yourself, or a friend.

My Art Journal

This is a free creation journal for you to incorporate therapeutic art practices into your journaling practice. With one page plain, the other lightly lined, it gives you the flexibility to flow from imagery to words in your journaling practice.

Annual Health Tracker

This is the big kahuna. A veritable tomb designed to keep your daily symptom logs for a year. This is the one I have been using for more than a year. I’m on my second one! As much as I love the cute, tiny ones, I don’t need my health log to be portable. It has it’s place on my dresser and it’s part of my routine to fill it in daily.

There is space for sleep, key symptoms, medicines, food diary and notes. I have been using the food diary section for further notes since my operation.

You can check it out here.

six journals for chronic illness thrivers

6 Chronic Illness Journals Summary

These are six of my chronic illness journal creations, you can surely find more if you do a search online. Many of these could be a great gift for people in your life with chronic illness and even those without – My Gratitude Journal isn’t only for people with chronic illness!

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