A Pain-Friendly Hobby For the Love of It

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I started a new pain-friendly hobby for the pure love of it. For a long time, I resisted trying new hobbies because all of my energy and bodily capabilities went toward work and the children.

pain friendly hobbies for people with fibromyalgia

But then I realized that I need and deserve that outlet.

It started with coloring. I had to be very mindful of how I sat and how long I did it. But I could use coloring pencils and color in a book.

Then I quickly moved from water color markers to water color paints. And I fell in love.

I didn’t start with an expensive set.

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I bought all of these cheaply from a local store, you probably have one nearby. Here’s some options for you if you need ideas:

A set with paints, paper and brushes.

Starting with the sky in water colour paints

First ever completed water colour painting

I was so happy with how this turned out! I used a tutorial for the sky and then made up the land/trees. I’ve watched many tutorials on YouTube for beginner water colour painting.

I created a list on my Amazon page with art supplies to get you started with some ideas.

I enjoyed it so much I tried to recreate the sky and turn it into a card

How did I make it chronic pain and fatigue friendly?

I deliberately chose something I could set up easily. Simply set up the paper to protect the table, get out the watercolour supplies and get going. It needs about an hour.

Get up and down as needed. Take breaks. On the day I painted these pictures, I went back and forth with other activities (I had the luxury of some child-free time). In between I did stretches and chores. So don’t think you need to be capable of sitting down for long periods.

If you don’t often have an hour then find something that can take less time. Ideally you can find a spot to leave it set up so it’s easier to access. But we don’t have the space for that here and tiny hands that would make a mess if they could!

Setting up some painting on a higher pain morning to distract myself and enjoy time with the kids

What kinds of pain-friendly hobbies could you consider?

The list is endless but let me give you some ideas to get you started

  • Reading
  • Walking in nature/special spot
  • Sitting outside
  • Yoga
  • Tai chi
  • Colouring
  • Sudoku or cross words
  • Sketching
  • Water colour painting
  • Needlework, knitting or crochet
  • Writing
  • Gardening (even tiny herb gardens for your windowsill)
  • Journaling

Encouragement for your own hobby with chronic illness

I know that it doesn’t feel easy to add something else to our lives. But I do feel that we deserve to explore hobbies as we are able. Yes, tailor them to your phase of life and ability. But choose something.

Even if today it’s just standing on your doorstep in the sunshine and taking a generous breath.

Or one round of sun salutations.

Maybe it’s a tiny sketch of something that caught your fancy.

Or three pages of that book you want to read.

Pace your hobbies the way you pace everything else.

What are your favourite hobbies?

pain friendly hobbies
pain friendly hobbies

One thought on “A Pain-Friendly Hobby For the Love of It

  1. I enjoy painting too. I use acrylics mostly and collage.

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