It All Goes So Fast

It is all borrowed time. He grows. I have to work.

My beautiful baby is rapidly approaching toddlerhood. I am loving seeing him fly by these developmental milestones; clapping, crawling, walking, eating.

As intense and hard as it was, it was precious. This delicious creature whooshed into my life (well, no whooshing, pregnancy and labour took forever) but he came bowling in. He taught me so much.

I love. I strive. I plan. I do. All for him.

Trigger Points and Fibromyalgia

Having been plagued by spots of extreme tightness on various parts of my body for years that numerous physical therapists have attempted to release and only ever achieved a small but fleeting degree of success, I am keenly interested in the study of trigger points.

I am reading The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief by Clair and Amber Davies.

I am loving it!

10 Nice Minutes with a Chronic Illness

I’m a fan of having a moment of nice in an otherwise tough day. My moment of nice is IMG_9390usually a good espresso, that jolt only caffeine can give me that lasts a fleeting 10 minutes, if I’m lucky.
Here’s a list of the things we could do in 10 good minutes:
Read (book nerd alert, always number one if my brain is not super fogged)
Have a cup of tea or coffee and savour it
A hot shower

Serenity, Or We’ll Be OK

One of the hardest things about living with fibro and chronic fatigue syndrome is the unpredictability.

You can have a day where you slept nine hours the night before (with only one interruption by the baby), did the right exercise the day before, take your supplements (D-Ribose and magnesium), do a 40 minute meditation – in other words do everything right – and still end up with a sudden increase in fatigue.

Experiments, Or How Do You Know?

A well designed research study tries to ensure results are attributable to the experiment and not something else.

But with fibro/CFS things change daily. There are a tapestry full of threads that make up my conditions and my context. I’m having a flare up, despite doing everything in my power to be well!